
The wedding line

The wedding line is located under the little finger. Often there are several lines. They indicate weddings or longer love relationships. The marriage line can have numerous signs on it and they have various meanings. For example, if the wedding line bends towards the heart line, it can mean disappointment in marriage or relationship. If there is a cross on the line, it is also not a good sign. The number of children can also be seen on the line of the heart.

Divination definition

  Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge or insight into the future or unknown by interpreting signs, symbols, or other supernatural means. It is often associated with religious or spiritual practices, but it can also be found in secular contexts such as fortune-telling or astrology. The methods of divination vary widely across different cultures and traditions and can involve anything from reading tea leaves or tarot cards to observing natural phenomena like the flight of birds or patterns in clouds. The practice of divination is often controversial and viewed with skepticism by those who do not believe in its efficacy.


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